Zonnie’s Story
For Zonnie Bauer, Pilates is much more than a type of exercise. It became a form of healing that helped her to continue the work she loved.
“I danced professionally, was an acrobat and trapeze artist and opened my own dance school in 1990. I choreographed, directed and produced shows for over 30 years. With a degree in Art and being very physically oriented, I found choreography to be a beautiful blend of art forms. It suited me perfectly.”
When Zonnie developed knee problems, she consulted doctors who prescribed surgery. Then a friend, who was a ballet dancer suggested Pilates. In just ten sessions, the pain vanished!
“My knee stabilized and completely stopped hurting. My quadricep muscle was overdeveloped and really tight; it was pulling my kneecap off track to the side. That was it. It was that simple! I knew then that Pilates was the technology that would keep my body balanced, strong and operational for my future.” That was when Zonnie decided to train as a Pilates instructor.
Zonnie Bauer studied in Toronto, Canada at the International STOTT Pilates Training Center which combines classical, contemporary and rehabilitative styles. She began teaching Pilates in 2001 and has continued to train and expand her knowledge into complementary disciplines for alignment, rehabilitation and fitness such as Egoscue, Alexander and Core Align Techniques.
“I can ‘think’ with the body and help someone mold their body into what they need for whatever they want to do. The synergy or blending of the person and their body is work of art. I help people create that art.”