This is a variation of the Half Roll Back.

This exercise trains you to articulate (one vertebra at a time) through the spine, forcing your deep abdominals to support you. The rotation engages your oblique muscles for stabilization. Its work!


Sit tall on your sitz bones, both arms reaching directly forward. Look forward.   Both feet are flat on the ground.

INHALE to prepare.

EXHALE to roll backwards, starting from the lower spine while you sweep one arm down and behind you. Follow your hand, turning your head and upper torso as you move.

INHALE return to the start position sweeping the arm forward again.

EXHALE to roll backwards sweeping the other arm down and backwards following the motion with your eyes and head.

INHALE return to the start position sweeping the arm forward again.

Creating Stability:

  • keeping the pelvis still while you rotate

  • stabilizing the spine while you articulate and rotate

  • shoulder blade (scapula) stability while rotating

Creating Mobility:

  • through each vertebra (joint) of the spine as you roll back and as you rotate.

Target Muscles:

  • the transversus abdominus, or deepest core muscles to stabilize the lower back/pelvis

  • the pelvic floor muscles to assist the transversus muscles

  • the oblique abdominal muscles for rotation

  • the rectus abdominal muscles to curve


  • keep your feet flat throughout the whole exercise

  • the arm should sweep smoothly down and backwards and continuously, returning smoothly with the body to the start position

  • you can do this exercise with your legs apart or together (more advanced)

Variation for the chair: 

Don’t want to get on the floor?  Do it in your chair. It is a variation, but it will get your spine to move and activate your deep core muscles. You can hold onto your desk to support you.

This WILL help.