What is the Art of Contrology?
Contrology was the name that Joseph Pilates gave to his method for controlling every system of the body through breathing, mental focus and precision exercise. Most people know it as ‘pilates’. It is a designed to recreate or rehabilitate your correct posture.
Here are some of the benefits:
Breathing – improve lung capacity, increase oxygen levels in the body, release tension, improve focus
Mental focus – control your attention so you can gain more and more control over your body
Precise Exercise – exact exercises, precisely performed in correct sequence.
This 90+ year old method helps you gain control of your body from the inside out; from your deepest core muscles known as your powerhouse or core, through tiny stabilizing muscles such as those four little muscles that stabilize your shoulder blades onto your back, that connect to your larger, your quads, hamstrings, gluts.
Through this highly effective method, you (re)build a strong, lean, long, powerful and flexible body under your control.
What part of your body is out of your control?
Find out. Fix it. Control. Art.