Support Your Back in Life
When you sit a lot your lower back can get tired. Even lying down it can ache. The imprint is a very simple Pilates exercise that immediately engages the core muscles to relieve pressure on your lower back and hips.
Very simply - it is a slight tuck of your pelvis. That's all. When you realize your back is hurting, simply scoop your stomach muscles up and into your back to gently tuck under your pelvis. Don't use your butt muscles. You can do this in your office chair, laying on your back or sitting in your car. Do it at the moment you realize your back is hurting.
If you want to add it to your exercise routine: Lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor, rug or mat. INHALE. As you EXHALE scoop the stomach up and into your back while gently tucking your pelvis under in the imprint. INHALE and return the pelvis to the neutral position. Repeat up to 10 x daily.